New Hope Covenant Church is an intentional community of believers. We seek wholeness by living in Shalom with one another, the neighborhood of East Oakland, and being rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are far from perfect, but we seek to create a "sacred space" that contrasts the divisions that so often separate us. We welcome you to strive with us in our priesthood of all believers!
We meet at the Youth Employment Partnership (YEP) building located at 2300 International Blvd in Oakland, CA on Sunday mornings for worship. Small groups and missional communities meet throughout the week in various locations in East Oakland for study, fellowship, and neighborhood involvement. We invite you to come experience God’s grace, transformative power and loving embrace with us.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with [us] all.
-2 Corinithans 13:14